Sounak Ghosh

I am an undergraduate student who is currently pursuing a degree of bachelors in technology in Computer Science and Technology. I also develop decentralized applications and love pursuing and learning about blockchain technology. Currently I am revising number and graph theory for proper understanding of cryptographic algorithms like elliptic curves. I would love to get opportunities to work on Ethereum L2 scaling problems and zkSNARK. I was also a research scholar at IEEE, have a few publications under my name and also introduced many students to decentralized technology. I am a good problem solver, an amazing googler and I always find an answer to a problem if given enough time. So, basically I am turing complete.

Besides research and programming, I enjoy writing poetry, reading history and classical fiction, clicking photos and skateboarding.

As a cool and fun side project, I started jotting down my understanding of the research papers I read and also some cool concepts in math/ML I find interesting. I am planning to publish at least one research paper notes on a weekly basis.

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Projects and Research Work

kts FundNation - Startup Funding dapp
Sounak Ghosh
Personal Project
(Solidity, React, Git, Node.js, Ethereum, Truffle, Ganache-CLI, Web3.js)
[ Code ]

A Solidity-Ethereum based WebApp built using React. This Application is a mockup of Kickstarter using Blockchain and smart contracts.

kts UniCoin - CryptoCurrency Exchange DApp
Sounak Ghosh
Personal Project
(React, Cranq, Metamask, Uniswap)
[ Code ]

A Cryptocurrency Exchange DApp allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies using the Uniswap ecosystem. To use the DApp, users must have a web3-enabled browser, such as MetaMask, and a Goerli testnet wallet.

kts Lottaree - Full-stack lottery Application
Sounak Ghosh
Personal Project
(Solidity, Hardhat, Ethers.js, IPFS, Filecoin, Chainlink, NextJS)
[ Code ]

This project is a full-stack lottery application built with React and the Ethereum blockchain allowing users to participate in a lottery by purchasing tickets with Ether.

hpp Cab Ride Price Prediction
Sounak Ghosh
Personal Project
[ Code]

(Random forests, Linear Regression, Support Vector Machines)

Analysed the price and surge multiplier for the rides. Achieved an accuracy of 97% using Random Forests with AdaBoost.

Template from this website.