Sounak Ghosh
I am an undergraduate student who is currently pursuing a degree of bachelors in technology in Computer Science and Technology. I also develop decentralized applications and love pursuing and learning about blockchain technology. Currently I am revising number and graph theory for proper understanding of cryptographic algorithms like elliptic curves. I would love to get opportunities to work on Ethereum L2 scaling problems and zkSNARK. I was also a research scholar at IEEE, have a few publications under my name and also introduced many students to decentralized technology. I am a good problem solver, an amazing googler and I always find an answer to a problem if given enough time. So, basically I am turing complete.
Besides research and programming, I enjoy writing poetry, reading history and classical fiction, clicking photos and skateboarding.
As a cool and fun side project, I started jotting down my understanding of the research papers I read and also some cool concepts in math/ML I find interesting. I am planning to publish at least one research paper notes on a weekly basis.
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Projects and Research Work
FundNation - Startup Funding dapp
Sounak Ghosh
Personal Project
(Solidity, React, Git, Node.js, Ethereum, Truffle, Ganache-CLI, Web3.js)
A Solidity-Ethereum based WebApp built using React. This Application is a mockup of Kickstarter using Blockchain and smart contracts.
UniCoin - CryptoCurrency Exchange DApp
Sounak Ghosh
Personal Project
(React, Cranq, Metamask, Uniswap)
A Cryptocurrency Exchange DApp allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies using the Uniswap ecosystem. To use the DApp, users must have a web3-enabled browser, such as MetaMask, and a Goerli testnet wallet.
Lottaree - Full-stack lottery Application
Sounak Ghosh
Personal Project
(Solidity, Hardhat, Ethers.js, IPFS, Filecoin, Chainlink, NextJS)
This project is a full-stack lottery application built with React and the Ethereum blockchain allowing users to participate in a lottery by purchasing tickets with Ether.
Cab Ride Price Prediction
Sounak Ghosh
Personal Project
(Random forests, Linear Regression, Support Vector Machines)
Analysed the price and surge multiplier for the rides. Achieved an accuracy of 97% using Random
Forests with AdaBoost.